My life as a Boomer

Here I am with my first ever blog. When I was born many, many years ago, who knew what a blog was, let alone a computer. My daughter says it's easy to set up a blog, so bear with me as I stumble through setting this up and putting in content.

I hope you enjoy it and can somewhat identify with my life as it pertains to yours, whether a woman's life or a man's life, we share many similar feelings and ideas once we reach this time in our life.

This time in my life means exploration, learning, doing and letting go of the parts of my life that served me so well for so many years. I want to transition from the daily working world to a new kind of work....what I want to do! Tell me about you and your life as a boomer!

The posts below should really be read starting with the oldest first for a better understanding of the experiences.

Monday, January 30, 2017

May/June 2014: On the Road to The Southwest again!

Of course by now you all know how much I love the Southwest and the four corners area --- Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. I haven't spent any real time in Arizona but hope to in the near future.  For this trip, it was back to Mitchell Springs Ruins in Cortez, CO for the annual excavation field school. We spent about four days excavating and then moved on to explore Chaco Canyon in New Mexico again!  We camped inside the park for a couple of days so very convenient and enjoyable.  Then on to the Santa Fe area to do a strenuous, and I mean strenuous hike, in order to see firsthand some amazing petroglyphs located on private land. We were fortunate to be led by an amazing archaeologist, Steven Post recently retired from the Office of Archeological Studies with the State of New Mexico. 

I'll start with some photos at the Colorado River in Moab, Utah to give you a feel for their amazing red cliffs.  We hope to camp near these hills soon.

Moab, Utah

Mitchell Springs Ruins, Cortez, Colorado

It was just eleven of us that participated in the Spring field school so Michael and I were fortunate to be among them. By now if you've have read my earlier posts regarding these excavations you likely know what is typically performed on these I will keep my comments just to those pertaining to this experience.  The areas that were started in 2013 were expanded upon this time and since there was only eleven of us, we concentrated our energies on just two sites.  I did much of the artifact screening for one of them and Michael did most of the screening for the other.  It was hard work over the four days but good exercise and very rewarding based on what we found.  Below are some amazing artifacts, some of the largest pottery sherds found in my short experience doing this and quite varied as far as type and time period.  Here are a few photos of sherds that have already been cleaned.  Of course, coming out of the dirt, or rather mud in our case, since it rained during our excavation, the colors and patterns would be tough to appreciate. So happily, we were able to have them cleaned before photographing them.

Unusual pendant with two holes!